↞•☽ Forever Blossoming ☾•↠

Hello beautiful people! I am Heather. Welcome to my shop & thank you SO much for taking the time to stop by. A little more about how this shop Blossomed into being…

My life so far has been dedicated to exploring this beautiful little planet called Earth. In each place I visited I would spend hours & hours, days & days, looking through all the local markets; picking up some of the most beautiful treasures & garments made by the talented artisans and tailors from around the World. I loved taking a piece of each place home with me.

Upon return, people would exclaim how beautiful and colourful my clothes were and wondered where I had got them. It suddenly occurred that not everyone had access to these incredible cultures through something so simple as even a garment. What a blessing it would be to share these treasure troves with the World & bring a piece (just a small one) of the unbounded sensation you feel, the one that cannot be described, when walking through unknown lands for the first time.

Calluna was born and, over time, Blossomed into something beautiful. On the most recent trip to beloved India, I met Ashok who helped me in bringing some of my own designs to life. Together, we sourced only the best materials to actualise these creations. Sharing them with you, as always, is a true blessing.

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